Book Covers

20 products

20 products

Capulana Book Covers: Style and Protection for Your Books

The Art of Capulana

Capulana is a traditional African fabric known for its vibrant colors and unique patterns. Our collection of capulana book covers combines the joy of capulana colors with functionality, offering protection and style to your books.

Reasons to choose our Book Covers in Capulana?

Protection and Durability

Capulana book covers are created to protect your books against dust, dirt and general damage. Made with capulana, a resistant fabric, our covers guarantee the durability and preservation of your favorite books.

Unique style

Each cover is made with exclusive patterns, making each piece unique. Vibrant colors and patterns add a touch of elegance and personality to your books, transforming them into true works of art.

+200 Covers Sold

Since we created Mwani we have done many covers! So many that we are proud to see them in our customers’ readings. Don't wait any longer and buy yours! We are sure you will love it!